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Jane McBride: the relationship expert, writer, and blogger who’s living proof that you can find love in a book. Or at least, that’s what she tells people when they ask why she’s always buried in a novel. But don’t let her bookish ways fool you – she’s also a globetrotting adventurer who loves nothing more than exploring new places and meeting new people.

As a relationship expert, Jane has the kind of insight and advice that could make Cupid himself blush. Her blog is chock-full of tips and tricks on how to find and keep true love, and her writing is so warm and relatable that it’s like a hug from your favorite aunt. And if that doesn’t work, she’ll probably just suggest you get a cat or a dog – because, let’s face it, they’re way less complicated than humans.

But don’t get it twisted – Jane is no replacement for a trained professional. Sure, she knows a thing or two about love, but she’s also the first to admit that sometimes you need a little extra help. Whether it’s a therapist, counselor, or just a good friend with a bottle of wine, Jane is all about seeking out the resources you need to find happiness and fulfillment in your love life.

In short, Jane McBride is the kind of person who can make you feel better about your love life even when it feels like a dumpster fire. Her humor, warmth, and sage advice are like a soothing balm for the heart, and her passion for love and relationships is contagious. So, if you’re ever feeling down about your romantic prospects, just remember – Jane McBride has your back. And maybe a good book or two.

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