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Zelle Scams and Frauds: How to Avoid

While Zelle is generally considered safe and secure, there are still risks associated with using any digital payment service, including Zelle. One potential risk is that scammers can use Zelle to trick people into sending them money. For example, a scammer might pose as a legitimate seller or buyer and ask for payment via Zelle, but then never deliver the promised goods or services.

Common Financial Pitfalls Millennials will Face in Their Lifetime

Well, millennials! Welcome to the world of financial troubles. Not to burst your bubble, but hey, the truth is here that even though how tech-savvy, or know almost everything than the previous generation, you can’t afford anything. Sad to say, your parents are far more financially stable than you. Not that it’s your own doing, or you brought it upon yourself, it’s just pure tough luck. But no worries, you can overcome it.